
A network of artists from all over the state of Illinois who joined forces back in early 2008 to make moves collectively. Combining a plethora of styles with an undeniable drive and hunger to get their music heard, they’ve created an immovable entity they’ve branded “Prelude To A Million.”

“Prelude,” simply alluding to the fact that this is just the beginning…”you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”


Tic Tock

Dub Zero


K.D. Murks

Songs Produced:

Monster | Tic Tock, Jurisdiction, Dub Zero, K​​.​​D. Murks, ESQ

Floating By | Tic Tock, K​​.​​D. Murks, Dub Zero, Jurisdiction, ESQ

Frienemies | K​​.​​D. Murks, Dub Zero, Jurisdiction, Tic Tock

Synergy | Jurisdiction, Dub Zero, Tic Tock, K​.​D. Murks

for solo songs, please see individual artist pages

and many more TBA or to be created



